Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Solar Powered Public Transit in the World Today

Sustainable public transportation is the main goal of the SMSSV; as such focus on other solar powered public transit systems that are already in place is a decent start into researching this segment of the project. 

The fastest way to get solar into public transit would be to modify existing means of public transit to utilize solar energy. Both Europe and Australia have done this already, albeit on a small scale. These Perchtoldsdorf, Austria and Adelaide, Australia have solar busses in operation.
Overall there does not seem to be a lot of literature concerning public transit systems that are powered solely by solar energy. Major car manufacturers like Nissan and Toyota, along with Elon Musk's innovative Tesla Motor Company, have started manufacturing and selling solely electric powered vehicles. This is a step in the right direction but a fair portion of electric power still comes from non-renewable sources. In addition, it does not deal with another issue that the SMSSV hopes to solve: road overcrowding. By reducing the total number of vehicles on the road and increasing the efficiency of a public transit system there would be less traffic is largely populated areas and decrease the average traveler's power consumption, both on and off the solar powered ATN. 

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